Friday, June 29, 2012

AHL to Test No-Touch Icing Rule

Hey everybody! Today brought some strange news in that the AHL, under orders by the NHL, will be testing the no-touch icing rule this upcoming season. This rule is pretty self-explanatory in that it now no longers a player to touch the puck after it passes the red line for an icing. While nearly every league has this no-touch icing rule, the NHL does not, and I am strongly against it. If they abolish touch icing, then the game will change. No more racing to beat out the icing call. no more close calls of that nature. While it may seem like just a minor change, it is a rule that has been in the NHL for a VERY long time, and I want to keep the traditional rules as much as possible. On the other hand, I see where the NHL is going with this rule: they want to prevent injuries that result from a player racing in from behind on another player while trying to get the puck. They want to prevent that dangerous situation, but honestly, it's part of the game! You can't baby your players, they play hockey! Come on! Play the game and stop babying the players. They make millions of dollars a year, they better be willing to get hit once in awhile.

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